October resulted in another busy but fun Fall Extravaganza for the departmental flower fund! Many thanks goes out to everyone who helped make it happen once again this year. We couldn't do this without all of the support from everyone within the department and even outside of the department. We had VWR, Documation, Caremed, Napa Flats, LaBodega and Nan's Blossom Shop donate prizes to encourage participation. We gave these prizes out to the fabulous four who endured a pie in the face, dressed up in a costume or painted a pumpkin. Once,the months activities of frito pie lunches, bake good sales, pancake sales and a taco soup were enjoyed by all, we ended up collecting $1,000.46 for the departmental flower fund. The fabulous four who ended up with a pie in the face were Drs. Kaplan, Straight, Kurouski and Rafael Almanzar. Cute and creative costumes! Love the smiles on the faces of all the people watching the activities as they unfold. THANKS FABULOUS FOUR for enduring this for our enjoyment. Haha YIKES, sharp edges, lets fold those edges down, we certainly don't want to have to try write this up an accident report! Our other heroes who stood ready if they were called to action! Y'all are ROCK STARS!