Your gift supports student success and ensures they have the opportunities and resources needed to excel.
Giving to the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Thank you for making a donation to our department! Your generosity supports student success, scientific endeavors, and departmental improvement. Your gift is tax deductible, as allowed by law.
Ways to Give
Through the generous gifts of our alumni, friends, and family BCBP has been able to:
- Create awards, scholarships, and fellowships for students
- Enrich our seminar series
- Develop and improve our department
You can make a secure online donation through the Texas A&M Foundation. If you would like to make your contribution to a specific fund, please indicate the relevant fund at the time of your donation. Please contact us with any questions.

Industry Partnerships and Corporate Giving
The best choice a business can make is investing in future generations. If you’re a business looking for ways to give back through time, talents, money or experiences, our development team would love to connect and help identify ways we can turn your interests into a worthwhile investment.

A scholarship is a gift that lasts forever. You can create a customized scholarship of your own design rather than giving through one of our existing programs. You can name your scholarship in memory or honor of a person, class, or organization, and you can direct it to support a student of any classification, unless specified, in a particular major, field of study, or from a specific geographic region. All endowments are payable over 5 years, unless otherwise noted.
Dean’s Excellence Scholarship
A 4-year scholarship for an incoming freshman. If an out of state student is awarded this scholarship, then they will be eligible for in state tuition. The minimum amount is $100,000.
General Endowed Scholarship
The minimum amount is $25,000.
FEA Scholarships
FEAs help recruit and retain outstanding undergraduates from historically disadvantaged groups often underrepresented in our student body, including minorities and those who face significant economic or educational hurdles. The minimum amount is $10,000.
$10,000 will fund a one-time, four-year award for one student. The president’s office will match this to make it a $20,000 gift payable to one student at $5,000 per year.
$50,000 will permanently endow an award to provide one student an annual stipend for four years. If you pay your gift in full within one year, the university will match the earnings of your endowment during its first four years to generate a larger annual stipend for your student recipient during that initial period. To help with this we have matching funds for 4 $50,000 endowments, your investment would be $25,000.
Accounts Supporting Our Department
The following accounts enable our department to support faculty and students in both research, teaching, and learning.
Ryland F. Young III, Lecture in Biochemistry Endowment
In honor of the achievements and intellectual feats of Dr. Ryland F. Young III. This lectureship is to be given annually in the fall by an internationally acclaimed biochemist.
Giving can be done through the Account # 04-58807
Dr. Greg Reinhart Biophysics Lectureship
Named after former Department head, Dr. Gregory Reinhart, this lectureship is meant to honor his many achievements and contributions to the department. This lectureship is to be given annually in the fall by an internationally acclaimed biochemist.
Giving can be done through the Account # 04-58811
Biochemistry & Biophysics Improvement Fund
Established by the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics in 1986 to aid in the development and improvement of the department at the discretion of the Department Head.
Giving can be done through the Account # 72866
Biochemistry Seminar Program
Established by our former colleague Dr. Martyn J. Gunn, this endowment was purposed to enrich our program through excellent seminar series.
Giving can be done through the Account # 57240
Raymond Reiser Lecture Series
Named for our former colleague Prof. Raymond Reiser, this fund was established to provide departmental support for lecture series in biochemistry. Raymond Reiser was one of the true scientific pioneers at Texas A&M University. He was an active member of the TAMU faculty from 1940 to 1976, leaving only to serve as a U.S. Army chemist at stateside and European hospitals during World War II. He continued at Texas A&M as professor emeritus after 1976.
Giving can be done through the Account # 57090

Accounts Supporting Graduate students
The following accounts support our undergraduate students through departmental scholarships and awards.
John Mack Prescott Award
Named for our former colleague Prof. Mack Prescott, this endowment was established by the generosity of Fred Wagner, and other former students, to recognize outstanding senior graduate students in their research accomplishments, in the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics at Texas A&M University.
Giving can be done through the Account # 56061
Paul Barry Gayle Grad Award
Established by the Estate of Paul Barry Gayle to provide an award yearly to an outstanding BCBP first-year graduate student.
Giving can be done through the Account # 70141
Ethel Tsutsui Endowment
Dr. Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui taught biology and biochemistry at TAMU from 1969 until her death in January 1998. The Tsutsui endowment awards two outstanding Aggie women in science for mentoring and research.
Giving can be done through the Account # 33795
Thomas L. Patterson Graduate Fellowship
Established by Dr. Strathdee and Dr. Patterson after the Center for Phage Therapy’s (CPT) involvement in the phage therapy intervention “Patterson case.” This fellowship was established to encourage graduate-level research on phage at the CPT. To learn more visit the CPT website.
Giving can be done through the Account # 58305

Accounts Supporting Undergraduate Students
The following accounts support our undergraduate students through departmental scholarships and awards.
Nestor R. Bottino Awards Fund
Named in memory of our former colleague Prof. Nestor R. Bottino, this fund was established to recognize academic excellence on the part of our undergraduate students. Nestor Bottino’s contributions to the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics were many, however, his abiding interest was in the development of curricula and other programs that benefited the quality of undergraduate teaching program. He was a valued member of our faculty from 1959 until his death in April of 1983, coming to Texas A&M University as a postdoc with Dr. Raymond Reiser, and continuing on as a teacher and a scientist.
Giving can be done through the Account # 72753
Nancy M. and Brock D. Nelson ’90 Endowment Scholarship I
This scholarship supports full-time students in good standing pursuing a degree in Biochemistry or Genetics from Texas A&M University. Junior out-of-state students demonstrating excellence in research and academics are preferred.
Giving can be done through the Account # 34967
Nancy M. and Brock D. Nelson ’90 Endowment Scholarship II
This scholarship supports full-time students in good standing pursuing a degree in Biochemistry or Genetics from Texas A&M University. Out-of-state students are preferred.
Giving can be done through the Account # 35136
Biochemistry and Biophysics Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Nick Pace
This scholarship supports full-time students in good standing pursuing an undergraduate degree in the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics at Texas A&M University.
Giving can be done through the Account # 35812
Linda Fisher Memorial
Named in memory of our former colleague Dr. Linda M. Fisher, this scholarship fund was established by Dr. John M. Gunn, former students, friends, and family in recognition of her significant contributions to BCBP. From her interactions with undergraduate students in the laboratory to the Learning Communities’ Spring Break Trips to Europe, Dr. Fisher’s dedication to the department is still felt today. This scholarship supports students who wish to take advantage of TAMU’s many study-abroad opportunities.
Giving can be done through the Account # 73400

How to Give
Please make all checks payable to the Texas A&M Foundation. Please mail your contributions to:
Megan Hutchison, Director of Development
The Texas A&M Foundation
401 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840
Learn About the Texas A&M Foundation
The Texas A&M Foundation builds a brighter future for Texas A&M University, one relationship at a time.
As a nonprofit and the primary academic fundraising institution for Texas A&M, we aspire to be among the most trusted philanthropies in higher education. Our team works with former students, corporations, and other Texas A&M supporters to match their charitable interests with the university’s priorities. Gifts create scholarships, advance faculty endeavors, enhance student programs, and fund campus construction, greatly enhancing Texas A&M’s mission to provide the highest quality undergraduate and graduate programs and develop new understandings through research and creativity.

Contact Our Development Team
Our development officers are determined to help you invest in causes you care about. Whether you are considering making your first gift or are already a longtime donor, we’re excited to work with you!