Advisory Committee Meetings
Students will meet with a standing Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee will recommend elective coursework and explain the rotation system. After meeting 4, the student should complete an Individual Development Plan; proof of submission should be sent to the Graduate Office.
Your First Semester

Preliminary Exam
Students will meet with their Preliminary Examination Committee. Students should submit a written proposal 14 days before the meeting and prepare a concise research presentation of 8 slides (approx. 15 min) to be given during the meeting. After the presentation, the Chair will open the meeting to questions (approx. 45–60 min). The Chair of the Preliminary Examination Committee should complete the Report of the Preliminary Examination with input from the other Committee Members. Recommended duration: 1.5 hours.
Preliminary Exam Forms
- Preliminary Examination Checklist and Report of the Preliminary Examination
- Research Proposal Approval Form for Thesis, Dissertation, or Record of Study
- Ph.D. Degree plan (with final grades)
Graduate Thesis Committee
It is the student’s responsibility to form a thesis committee. This is done by completing a degree plan, which is signed by the faculty members who agree to serve on the thesis committee.
Doctoral thesis committees will consist of no fewer than four members of the graduate faculty. The chair or co-chair must be from the student’s department, and at least one or more of the members must be from a department other than the student’s major department.
Students in the Ph.D. program must file their degree plan in their third regular semester, the deadline for which is December 1, and form their thesis committee during their fourth regular semester before the end of year two. Registration for future semesters will be blocked until the degree plan has been filed.
Annual Thesis Committee Meetings
Students will meet with their Thesis Committee at least once every academic year. Once the date is set. Students should email the graduate office and the graduate office will be responsible for updating the BCBP Thesis Committee Meeting Calendar. The Chair will receive an online form of the Committee Meeting Report, to be completed at the meeting. Students should prepare a concise research presentation of 8 slides (approx. 15 minutes) to be given during the meeting. After the presentation, the Chair will open the meeting to questions (approx. 30 min). The Committee should meet with the student in the absence of the Thesis Advisor, and with the Thesis Advisor in the absence of the student (approx. 5–10 min each). The Chair of the Thesis Committee should complete the Committee Meeting Report with input from the Thesis Advisor, Committee Members, and the Student. Recommended duration: 1 hour.
Standing Thesis Committee Forms
- PhD Degree Plan – New (PDF)
- Template Thesis Outline (DOCX)
- Thesis Committee Meeting Report form (PDF)
Thesis Defense
Students will meet with their Thesis Committee. Once the date is set, the student should update the BCBP Thesis Committee Meeting Calendar and contact the Graduate Office. Students should prepare a research presentation (approx. 45 minutes) to be given at a public forum. After the presentation, the Chair will open the meeting to public questions. The Chair will then close the public session. The Chair will open the private session to Committee questions. The written thesis should be given to the Committee for review. Once approved, the student should submit the thesis to OGAPS. All OGAPS guidelines for thesis submissions should be carefully reviewed.
Thesis Defense Forms
- Request and Announcement of the Final Examination (should be submitted at least 10 working days prior to the defense date)
- Written Dissertation (Ph.D., Dr. PH) or Record of Study (Ed.D, D.En.) Approval Form
- Thesis, Dissertation, and Record of Study Copyright and Availability Form
- Report of the Final Examination (sent directly to PI; the student should not handle the signed document at any time)
Submitting Required Forms
Detailed procedures are also available on the OGAPS website. When filling out OGAPS forms, please list Professor Michael Polymenis, not Professor Wand as Department Head. As the Associate Head of the Graduate Program, Polymenis is responsible for form approval. For the Staff Graduate Advisor please list Casey Flint ([email protected]) as he handles graduate advising for the program.