Ph.D. Student, Melissa Koff, wins prestigious poster award at the 2023 Glycobiology Gordon Research Seminar (GRS).
Our Department is proud to congratulate our very own, Melissa Koff, for winning an
award for one of the best posters at the 2023 Glycobiology Gordon Research Seminar (GRS).
The Glycobiology GRS is a unique opportunity for doctoral and postdoctoral students to
present their research, discuss new ideas, and build their scientific network. This was
held in Ventura, California this year and only granted three poster awards. Melissa's
presentation titled "TMTC-type 0- mannosyltransferases as potential regulators of
cadherin-mediated cell adhesion" was chosen to be one of the best posters.
If you would like to read Melissa's abstract or check out her poster, please click
links below.