Established in 1994, the Biochemistry & Genetics Society (BGS) seeks to promote interest and knowledge of biochemistry and genetics, to connect with students and faculty, and to explore available career options for those with a biochemistry or genetics degree.
Professional Speakers
BGS hosts professionals from various career paths, including graduate programs, industry, and research. Some examples of speakers they have hosted include:
- UT Genetic Counseling
- FujiFilm Diosynth Biotechnologies
- BCBP faculty

Volunteer Opportunities
The BGS has numerous volunteer opportunities for members including:
- Twice per semester blood drives
- The Big Event
Want to be a member?
Dues are $20 per semester and $35 for the entire year. The cost includes the price of a t-shirt and food at the meetings. Dues can be paid in person or online—BGS has a marketplace for paying dues.
Fall 2020 Schedule
Days: 9/9, 9/23, 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18
Time and Location: 5:30-6:30 PM in Rudder 404

Faculty Advisor | Dr. Paul Straight
Secondary Advisor | Dr. Tim Devarenne

President: Cole Janzow
Major: Biochemistry
Class Year: 2025
Hobbies: Weightlifting, surfing, and watching Aggie football
After graduation I plan to work in research and development for a health science/ nutrition company. Over the summer I was granted the opportunity to work with Foundation Medicine, a cancer diagnostic company as well as a trip to Spain with the Corps of Cadets. Being a part of the Biochemistry and Genetics society has helped grow my professional network and make some great friends with similar interests and career goals.
Vice President: Deatra Soileau
Major: Biochemistry
Class Year: 2025
Hobbies: Playing with my dog, hanging out with friends, and reading
I love the Biochemistry and Genetics society for how it brings people together with the same educational and career goals. I’m so excited to be the Vice president this year and can’t wait to accomplish more outreach and volunteer opportunities. This organization has really flourished over the last year and I can’t wait to see how this year plays out.

Secretary: Abigail Peyton
Major: Biochemistry
Class Year: 2026
Hobbies: Baking, painting, exploring new things, and hanging out with friends
I am super excited for my junior year and to be serving as the Biochemistry and Genetics society secretary this year! In the future I hope to attend medical or PA school to specialize in the field of neurology. I can’t wait to work with the other officers and get to know the new members
Treasurer: Ryan Peyton
Major: Biochemistry
Class Year: 2027
Hobbies: Rock climbing and tennis
The Biochemistry and Genetics society has been so rewarding to be a part of and I am so honored to be in an officer position this year and help plan all the activities we have in store for this year. After graduation I plan on owning my own medical supplies company.

Community Relations Coordinator: Catherine Chaison
Major: Genetics and Physics
Class Year: 2026
Hobbies: Amateur astronomy, creative writing, and stained glass
I love the Biochemistry and Genetics Society for the community it creates within the BICH/GENE department and those interested in jobs within the field. I hope to help the organization to make a difference for others as it has for me by supplying study resources and events to foster a supportive environment within our degree plans.
Public Relations Coordinator: Zoe Treat
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Class Year: 2027
Hobbies: Reading, dancing, baking, and hanging out with friends
After graduation I plan to either attend medical school or PA school and specialize in emergency medicine. Being a part of the Biochemistry and Genetics society has allowed me to meet some great people and learn so much about Biochemistry and different career paths in the field. I’m super honored to be the PR coordinator for this year and can’t wait to see all the fun that is in store.

Event Coordinator: Tucker Carson
Major: Biochemistry
Class Year: 2025
Hobbies: Skating, lifting, reading, and taking care of my dog
I enjoy the Biochemistry and Genetics society because it introduced me to a group of likeminded people who share my goals. It is a fun place to come in order to learn about our major and hang out with really cool people.
Volunteer Coordinator: Akshay Gupta
Major: Biochemistry
Class Year: 2027
Hobbies: Listening to music, binging shows, and going out with friend
I joined the Biochemistry and Genetics society to meet other people who have the same interest as me and it did not disappoint! As the volunteer coordinator, I can’t wait to help make a bigger impact both on and off campus through helping facilitate blood drives, getting involved with local grade schools and so much more.