Attendance at (inter)national conferences is not just a requirement but a crucial part of your scientific development. It is among the most formative elements of your graduate training, offering you a unique platform to showcase your research, network with peers, and gain valuable insights. As of Fall 2021, all matriculating students in good academic standing will attend at least two conferences, with the opportunity to request funding for up to four conferences throughout their academic career. This high-impact initiative has the potential to transform BCBP graduate education, enriching your academic journey and preparing you for a successful career in your field.
1st-year graduates
1st year graduates will attend one local conference (1 day/overnight) of broad scientific interest together. To help maximize the experience, a faculty mentor will accompany the group. Attendance, travel, and lodging will be paid for in full by the Department while funding is available. Students are not required to present at the meeting but will be required to present a 10-minute conference highlights talk at the Thursday Seminar. Eligibility: Must be in good academic standing; must attend at least 75% of the BCBP seminar series in Year 1.
2nd-year graduates
2nd year graduates will attend a southern regional conference of their choosing. Attendance, travel, and lodging will be paid for in full by the Department while funding is available. Students are required to present (poster or oral) at the conference. In preparation, students must present a practice talk at the Thursday Seminar; after the conference, students must present a 10-minute conference highlights talk at the Thursday Seminar. Eligibility: Must be in good academic standing; must attend at least 75% of the BCBP seminar series in Years 1 and 2. [Ineligible students will still be required to attend a conference at full cost to the Advisor.]
Post-candidacy students (3rd and 4th year graduates)
Post-candidacy students (3rd and 4th year graduates) must request non-competitive funds to attend a conference from the Graduate and Professional School. In addition to the GPS award, the BCBP department will fund a 50/50 Advisor match for attendance, travel, and lodging. The Departmental contribution cannot exceed $1,000. Students are required to present (poster or oral) at the conference. In preparation, students must present a practice talk at the Thursday Seminar; after the conference, students must present a 10-minute conference highlights talk at the Thursday Seminar. Eligibility: Must be in good academic standing; must be in Year 3 or 4; must attend at least 50% of the BCBP seminar series in the requested year. Only one award per student; the Department may limit the number of awards per group per year based on funding availability.
Post-candidacy students (5th year and beyond)
Post-candidacy students (5th year and beyond) travel accommodations will be fully covered by the PI.
To ensure the accurate processing of awarded funds, you must submit the Travel Awards Form to the graduate office before booking, for the award to be approved.