Did you know the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics B.S. in Biochemistry is accredited by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ASBMB?

Accreditation provides many benefits to our students. An ASBMB accredited program is held to extremely high standards in its course offerings and hands-on research experiences. Potential employers and organizations know that a student who has graduated from an ASBMB accredited program has been provided with a top-notch education and at minimum, 400 hours of first-hand experience in a laboratory. This makes our students very competitive in the job market and in applying to professional schools and graduate degree programs. While graduating from an accredited program is not generally required, it does ensure a higher-level curriculum is offered and that our students are more than prepared to pursue graduate degrees and/or join industry upon graduation.

Additionally, accreditation allows programs access to resources and funding opportunities that are not available to non-accredited programs. This includes being able to recruit high caliber faculty and students.

Another benefit of ASBMB accreditation is that it allows students to participate in an optional certification exam. This exam demonstrates a student's competitiveness against their peers from other ASBMB accredited programs and is an excellent addition to a student's resume, CV, or application.

For more information on accreditation: https://www.asbmb.org/